Real photos, no photoshoot: Meet AI Backgrounds V2

Generate art in seconds with Text-to-Image API

Easily convert your words into compelling visuals, ideal for captivating content
Text-to-Image API header image
Fabien Dormoy, President, Pictorem

Fabien Dormoy

President, Pictorem

“With text-to-image AI generation, we're turning simple words into stunning art pieces, expanding our creative horizons.”


Generate art of any style with Text-to-Image API

Using Claid Text-to-Image API you can generate any visual from text prompt in seconds at 1024x1024 resolution. Combine with Claid Upscaler and Generative Resize API to print your digital art on large canvas.

Text-to-Image API Documentation
Generate art of any style with Text-to-Image API

Unlock your creativity with Text-to-Image generation API

Generate thousands of art pieces in seconds


Text-to-Image generation at scale

Claid API allows to automatically hide the license plates in user-provided photos

How much time does it take to generate 4 images?
To generate 4 images with 1024x1024 resolution it can take approximately 10 to 15 seconds, depending on the general load on the system at the moment. However, if you want to speed up the process, our API allows you to control the number of images that can be generated.
How can I generate landscape or vertical photos? 
By default, Claid text-to-image API generates the images with a 1:1 aspect ratio. If you’d like to have vertical or landscape ratios, you can combine text-to-image with our Generative Resize (outpaint) operation, which will allow you to specify the exact target size of the image. You can find the details here.  Currently, we limit our outpainting to 4 megapixels output. If you need to have a larger image, please use one of our upscaling operations after the outpainting is done.
Who can benefit from using works best when you need to automatically enhance and tune images that come from various sources to your standards.

Explore more Claid APIs

Generate Background

Generate Background

Smart Frame

Smart Frame

License Plate Blur

License Plate Blur

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